Jeremy is also available to teach on a variety of topics under his patented ‘SCHOOL OF DISCIPLESHIP.’
Jeremy offers his discipleship teachings onsite by invitation or online through 'ZOOM' Video Conferencing
(a minimum of 10 people are required / register your interest under 'CONTACT').
The following are a sample of some of the available topics for Jeremy to teach.
The Power of Prophetic Vision
(LENGTH: 2.5 hours / includes notes)
The difference between a Christian who does something great with their life and one who doesn’t is whether their life is propelled by ‘prophetic vision.’ When we know God’s unique purpose for our life, and when an image of His potential for us burns deep into our heart, then we’ll live for something bigger than ourselves.
If our lives are not governed by prophetic vision, our spiritual lives are at risk, as the writer of Proverbs highlights: “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained” (Proverbs 29:18).
Without vision, we’ll more readily tolerate sin and compromise. We’ll trudge carefully along the path of least resistance, while doing everything we can to avoid discomfort. But if we allow an inspired vision for our life to captivate us, we’ll be willing to go through the trials and setbacks to see our fullest potential realised. We will also embrace life as the faith adventure it’s intended to be.
Sadly, many Christians struggle to articulate or to even know God’s vision for their life. It’s not uncommon to these say, “I don’t have a vision for my life…I don’t know what God has called me to do.” Statements like these raise questions like: “How would I go about discerning God’s will for my life and to receive a personal vision to inspire me?”
In this session, Jeremy will help us better understand what a true prophetic vision entails and why it’s so important to live according to one. He will also help us discover how we can go about receiving a personal vision for our own life.
Topics covered, include:
The Nature of Vision
The Implications of a God-given Vision
The Three Types of ‘Sight’
A Strategy for Receiving a Personal Vision
Signposts that Affirm and Confirm Personal Vision​
Hearing, Discerning & Obeying
(LENGTH: 2.5 hours / includes notes)
God has always intended our walk with Him to be an adventure of faith. But for many, it has become predictable, monotonous—even boring—lacking the power and passion they long for.
Countless believers have testified that what made the difference in their Christian life was learning to recognise and respond to God’s voice. Through experience, they discovered that hearing God’s voice is not something only certain Christians can do—it is the privilege of every believer. As Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).
In fact, hearing God’s voice in the still of our hearts is an essential part of the ‘Spirit-filled’ life. It is to walk in the Spirit and be led by God. It’s a discipline we can all grow in, and when we do, we discover a ready source of counsel, encouragement, direction, confirmation, and affirmation from the Lord. We also discover that God wants to use ‘our voice’ as a channel of ‘His voice’—through words of “prophecy” (1 Cor. 14:39).
But as with any form of communication, there are blockages we face in clearly hearing. It might be confidence we lack, or a fear of hearing wrongly. Or it might be that we struggle to believe that God has anything to say to us. By understanding ‘how’ God speaks, and the importance of ‘learning to discern’ what He is saying, helps us overcomes these challenges. And when we do, we arrive at an important truth: God is speaking all the time!
What does God’s voice sound like? How would I know His voice from my own inner voice, or even that of the enemy? How could I posture myself to hear His voice on a consistent basis for myself—and for others?
Jeremy will answer these and other important questions through his exciting teaching designed to equip and activate you to hear God’s voice for yourself. He will dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding this topic, and will challenge you to believe that “you can hear God speak!”
God Speaks to us In Dreams!
(LENGTH: 3.5 hours / includes notes)
Since ancient times, dreams have been a vehicle of divine communication. The Bible highlights how God spoke to individuals through dreams in order to:
bring assurance of His presence and purpose amidst difficulties;
impart warning;
provide prophetic foreknowledge and specific guidance;
forecast the destinies of individuals and nations; and,
confound the evil plans of the enemy.
When we turn to the New Testament, we see that with the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, dreams from God would be a familiar experience for many and part of the Spirit-filled life (Acts 2:17–18).
There’s a need for any teaching on dreams to draw heavily upon Scripture—our standard against which we measure our own dreams. This is especially needed given the tendency of many who teach on this topic, to base their teachings on their own subjective experiences more than on the Bible.
A correct approach to dream interpretation is also important. This is for the reason that in many prophetic dreams, the message is seldom plain, and is imbedded in the symbols within the dream sequence. These need deciphering if the meaning of the dream is to be revealed.
How do we do this?
In this session, Jeremy will outline from Scripture, the nature of inspired dreams, and will share from his own dream experiences spanning nearly 30 years. In so doing, he will provide a biblical basis for dreams and will share principles for how we might uncover the meaning of our own dreams. All of this will serve to reinforce that God speaks to us in dreams!
Topics covered, include:
The Nature of Dreams
God’s Purpose for Prophetic Dreams
The Three Dream Sources
Interpreting Our Dreams
Dream Symbols in Scripture
Personal Dream Symbols
Guidelines of Dream Interpretation
Deep Dive Into God's Word
(LENGTH: 2.5 hours / includes notes)
For many Christians, the quest for a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God can be a frustrating one. New commitments to pray and read the Bible more are often short-lived – the result of time constraints, unrelenting distractions, and an inner restlessness.
For the most part, the Church has sought to bring about spiritual growth in its members, through an endless array of activities, meetings, and programs. This has resulted in a culture of ‘busyness’ in our churches, where the focus has become one of ‘doing’ things for God rather than simply ‘being’ with Him. If we are honest, even despite the numerous good teachings and programs on offer, many Christians feel spiritually dry.
In our day, the need for every believer to connect with God in a way where their spirits are nourished and refreshed, has become all the more pressing. Yet, could it be that in our pursuit of an authentic and vibrant Christian experience, we have overlooked an approach to knowing God as we have always desired?
Jeremy believes this to be so. He is convinced that incorporating the ancient practice of ‘Christian Meditation’ into our spiritual lives can prove revolutionary – even life-changing!
This is where we approach Scripture in a contemplative way, and where the objective of our reading is ‘revelation’ rather than ‘information.’ All of this can be attained through a ‘four-step’ process known as LECTIO DIVINA (Latin, “sacred reading”/“spiritual reading”).
Benefits of Christian Meditation include a deeper awareness of God’s presence, renewed communion with Him, sensitivity in hearing His voice, as well as a deeper immersion into the transforming power of God’s Word.
Learn how to build the simple practice of Christian Meditation into your spiritual life, and be lifted into new realms of intimacy and fruitfulness in your walk with God.
Breaking Free from Unforgiveness & Bitterness
(LENGTH: 2.5 hours / includes notes)
What happens to a person who’s been offended against by another in a deep and harmful way? We know that God’s children, we’re commanded to forgive our transgressors. Yet mustering the courage to forgive can be like walking on broken glass. It remains one of the hardest things to do!
What we know is that our relationship with God is lived out in a fallen world, and played out in an arena full of hidden dangers and traps. On this battlefield, we’re vulnerable to the slings and arrows of life – and all of us have scars to prove it! To make matters worse, our adversary, like a roaring lion, seeks to devour us through offense and poison us through unforgiveness.
Even if we’ve escaped the worst of his snares, many of us struggle with resentment, anger, and bitterness due to historical mistreatments of every kind. Instead of joy in the Lord, we struggle under clouds of hurt and gloom. The reality is that unless we’ve worked through life’s painful events, the freedom promised to us in Christ remains theory rather than experience. Unforgiveness is a cruel taskmaster, with the power to keep us locked in prisons of torment.
But thanks be to God, there’s a way out of this prison and into freedom!
In this session, Jeremy will help us better understand what forgiveness is and what it isn’t. Through relevant, scriptural teaching, he’ll present a strategy that’s helped many begin the healing process through letting go of past offense.
Topics covered, include:
The Nature of Forgiveness: Dispelling the Myths
Forgiveness as a ‘Process’
Practical Steps to ‘Letting Go’ and ‘Letting God’
An Exercise in Forgiveness that Begins the Healing Process
The Subtle Dangers of the New Age Movement
(LENGTH: 2.5 hours / includes notes)
The ‘New Age Movement’ is used to describe the alternative spiritual subculture that exists in society, whose interest is in things such as meditation, channelling, reincarnation, crystals, psychic experience, holistic health, environmentalism, UFO fascination, earth mysteries, and crop circles. From this movement has sprung diverse literature on new forms of spirituality, music, holistic medicines, as well as crafts and healing practices.
Thus, the New Age Movement is an eclectic and diverse movement, which first appeared in contemporary Western culture late last century. Its practices and beliefs are commonly characterised as a form of ‘alternative’ spirituality.
Why should any of these things concern us?
New Age thought and practice has had a tremendous impact on our postmodern world – even influencing many professing Christians. Through its promotion of an ‘anything-goes’ spirituality, it has opened the door to deception and a host of spiritual dangers for those who embrace it.
Through his talk, Jeremy will “unmask” the dangers of the New Age Movement, to reveal how its teachings and practices are opposed to the Christian worldview. This in turn will equip us to discern its often subtle workings, and to expose some of the ways in which New Age thought has crept into the Church.
Topics covered, include:
Defining the New Age Movement
Major Teachings of the New Age Movement and a Christian Response
Energy Fields, New Age Medicine, and New Age Music
Spiritual Dangers Associated with the New Age Movement
A Warning for the Church!
The Deceptive Influence of Modern Music
(LENGTH: 3 hours / notes included)
Music is so much a part of our lives. We are constantly exposed to its influences on a daily basis. Loud beats, clever melodies, catchy lyrics, all draw us into its arena and reinforce what behaviourists have always known: music is powerful. Its influence has a profound effect—to impact hearts and minds—whether for good or for bad.
The ancient Greek philosopher Plato recognised the power of music when he said, “when the music changes, the walls of the city shake.” Music is more powerful than any drug, for it has the capacity to steer culture itself and influence shared values and behaviours.
It’s hardly surprising then that Satan seeks to control the modern music industry in order to erode morality and shape lives for his purposes. As Christians, we need to be aware of this and of the negative impact a lot of modern music has on us. This goes beyond song lyrics and concerns the ‘spiritual dimension’ of music, requiring that we are both biblically and spiritually discerning with the kinds of music we listen to.
Topics covered include:
The Historical Roots of Modern Music
An Examination of the Power of Music
The Spiritual Dimension of Music
The Occultic Dimension of Modern Music
The Sexual Dimension of Modern Music
The Need for Discernment
Jeremy’s presentation will especially benefit music aficionados, youth and youth-workers, parents with teens and pre-teens, as well as those who wish to better understand the modern music industry.
* Please note that this presentation contains some subject matter of a sensitive nature.
** Please also note that this presentation is an ‘expose’ of “modern secular music” and the music industry. It does not include an examination of contemporary Christian or popular worship music.
Understanding the Problem & Escaping Its Snare
(LENGTH 2.5 hours / includes notes)
Our world is under siege by a pandemic much worse than the coronavirus, known as “pornography.” This ‘virus’ is transmitted via cyberspace and crosses every demographic. It has the ability to overthrow even the strongest among us—men and women alike.
The porn problem isn’t a secular one. Statistics in the Church mirror those outside the Church. And although this is a problem that’s not going away, most leaders aren’t willing to discuss it. But ignoring the problem isn’t the answer, as uncomfortable as discussing it may be.
What makes pornography so insidious is its ‘addictive’ quality. Like a drug, the gratifying neurochemicals released from the ‘porn hit’ make it difficult to quit, leading to compulsive use. Over time, the brain is ‘rewired’ until lust becomes the motivating force in the addicts’ life.
The grim reality is that pornography has infected the masses with devastating consequences. Not only does it erode relational intimacy, which leads to divorce, but Christians caught in its grip suffer ‘silently’ with unending defeat and depression. Instead of joy in Christ, their portion is the burden of guilt and shame. Most are at a loss to know what to do—believing this is the life they are destined to.
But there is a way of escape!
Through vital teaching for the Church, Jeremy will expose the dangers of pornography and provide biblical answers for how we can avoid this temptation, and how those caught in its grip can overcome it.
This session will also benefit those wanting to understand the nature of the porn pandemic, as well as parents who are concerned for their children and teens. It will also give answers to frontline ministry workers, forced to deal with the fallout.
Transforming Our Lives Through
'Spiritual Disciplines'
(LENGTH 2.5 hours / includes notes)
Casual Christianity is on the rise and Bible literacy is on the decline. The pandemic has forced us to take stock of what matters for eternity. Intimacy with God is key! One of the ways to help us to grow in intimacy with the Lord is through spiritual disciplines.
Spiritual disciplines are those practices taught or modelled in Scripture that promote spiritual growth among believers. They are habits of devotion and habits of experiential Christianity that have been practiced by God’s people since biblical times.
Spiritual disciplines are therefore activities we engage in and include such things as Scripture meditation, prayer, fasting, worship, solitude, and so on. The goal of these disciplines is not about ‘doing,’ but about ‘being’ with the Lord, so we may know Him and become more like Him.
In this teaching, Jeremy will not only outline the main types of spiritual disciplines so vital to Christian growth and life in the Spirit, but he will also provide us with important guidelines for their practice. In doing this, he will help us to incorporate these into our lives so we would grow in the knowledge of God and experience an increased awareness of His presence in all that we do.
Spiritual Gifts
(LENGTH 2.5 hours / includes notes)
“Spiritual gifts” are given to every believer when they receive the gift of salvation. Just as the gift of salvation is given by grace through faith, so are spiritual gifts.
Scripture exhorts us to “eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit” (1 Cor. 14:1). This is because the Spirit’s gifts which have been given to the Church, supply us with the needed empowerment to fulfil our unique assignment in Christ. Wherever they operate, they demonstrate both the power and reality of God’s kingdom to their audience.
Every believer is required to discover the spiritual gifts which have been given to them so that they might look for opportunities to use them. Our starting point for doing this is to first understand what the Bible teaches about spiritual gifts.
In this teaching session, we will outline the three ‘categories’ of spiritual gifts the Lord has given His Church, as well as the ‘nature’ and ‘purpose’ of each of the gifts which comprise these three categories.
Beyond this, and for our practical application, we will look at the ‘posture’ needed to receive spiritual gifts, as well as the ‘signposts’ that help us discover our own unique blend of spiritual gifts.
Be Equipped In Pastoral Care
(LENGTH 2.5 hours / includes notes)
A healthy church is one where people are growing spiritually and are fed and nurtured through each season of life. Though a sad reality in many churches is how many feel overlooked, neglected, and left to struggle. Pastors are often expected to shoulder the burden of every need and concern of their congregations. However, caring for God’s people was never meant to be the exclusive role of trained pastors, but a corporate responsibility. Only when “pastoral care” is practiced in our ministries will people in our congregations feel truly loved.
In fact, before Jesus ascended to His Father’s right hand, He tasked His followers with “making disciples” of every nation – a responsibility followers of Christ today are to continue in. And much more than saving souls, making disciples requires journeying with and ministering to God’s people through the offer of care and support, which is intrinsic to the practice of pastoral care.
Any Christian who loves God can administer pastoral care. However, what often holds us back is a faulty belief that only trained pastors can do this and a feeling that we are somehow unqualified for the task. But, through a correct understanding of the objective of pastoral care, and through applying some tried and true communication techniques, we can learn to become effective pastoral carers.
This equipping session will be of benefit to all who have a heart for people, and especially for those who lead others in some capacity in the local church, and who desire to become effective in their care of others.
Topics covered, include:
Defining Pastoral Care
The Corporate Dimension of Pastoral Care
The Scriptural Basis of Pastoral Care
Two Key Tasks of Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Visit
Communication to the Practice of Pastoral Care
The Five Levels of Communication
Steps to Effective Listening
Active Listening
Living Out of the Mind of Christ
(LENGTH 2.5 hours / includes notes)
One of the major concerns for Christians involves the question: What does God want me to do with my life?
Our desire to please God requires discerning where to plant ourselves and what to invest our lives in. For many of us, we fear missing the mark and finding ourselves outside the safety and provision of God’s perfect will.
Jesus informs us that the Holy Spirit has been given “to guide us into all the truth” (John 16:13). God has made provision for our spiritual guidance so we would know His will and walk in it. In acknowledgment of this function of the Holy Spirit, the apostle Paul could confidently say of believers: “we have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:16).
Having the “mind of Christ” is to have our natural minds spiritually empowered in God in order to think and act according to divine wisdom. Learning to live out of the mind of Christ brings alignment to God, spiritual discernment, and is the means for hearing God speak.
This teaching is designed to provide you with insight into the function of the mind of Christ, but more importantly, equipping for growing in intimacy with God and a deeper discovery of what His will is for your life.
Topics covered, include:
Kingdom Life as the Basis for Living Out of the Mind of Christ
The “Mind of Christ” in Biblical Context
Three Important Functions of the Mind of Christ
Releasing Spiritual Gifts through the Mind of Christ
Growing in the Mind of Christ
The Nature of Prophecy and Why It Can Fail
(LENGTH 2.5 hours / includes notes)
In recent days, the topic of “prophets” and “prophecy” has been hotly debated in the Church, following the flurry of prophetic words directed at the coronavirus pandemic and US elections.
Some prophets were adamant the coronavirus pandemic would cease after last year’s Passover. Countless prophets were assured that Donald Trump would be re-elected, but in the wake of Joe Biden’s inauguration, many advocates of contemporary prophecy feel confused and are left asking, “How could so many prophets get it so wrong?”
For the followers of these prophets, the fallout is real, and has led to division, embarrassment, hurt, and disillusionment among Christians. To add to this, sceptics of modern-day prophecy are using the occasion to ridicule and mock. None of this is surprising given the magnitude of the claims that were made, and the confidence with which they were voiced.
Although the issue of failed prophecy—whether spoken to individuals or to nations—is seldom ‘black and white,’ the Bible has much to say about the matter, and sheds deep insight into the nature of prophecy and the reasons for why it may fail.
Understanding these brings clarity, and offers important lessons for how we are to respond to future prophetic claims, and how we are to understand prophecy in general, and its role in our lives.
Topics covered, include:
The Dynamic Nature of Prophecy
Prophecy and Evaluation
Eight Reasons Why Prophecy Can Fail
The Importance of Accountability in the Prophetic
Perspectives on Prophecy in Light of the US Elections
Lessons for the Church in Moving Forward
The Journey to Healing & Wholeness
(LENGTH 2.5 hours / includes notes)
Christian teaching on “deliverance ministry” has often proved divisive due to conflicting views. At one end of the spectrum is the view that a Christian indwelt by the Holy Spirit cannot be oppressed by demonic spirits, while the belief at the opposite end is one which asserts that demons are the cause of every sickness and hardship in life. Then there are a range of views between these two.
Regardless of where we stand, Scripture is clear that Christians are in a battle for their lives:
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12).
As this verse makes plain, humankind is constantly targeted by spiritual powers of wickedness arrayed in heavenly places, whose substance is not “flesh and blood,” that seek our ruin. If we are honest, our Christian experience confirms how our life is a conflict and continual wrestling against these powers.
Scripture also mentions the way in which the devil can exert control in a believer’s life where he has been allowed access. The Apostle Paul warned the Ephesian believers not to allow the devil a “foothold” in their lives (Eph. 4:27). In other words, they were not to give Satan opportunity to oppress their lives and to influence their thinking and behaviour.
Involvement in willful sin, such as immorality, idolatry, unrestrained anger, unforgiveness, and non-Christian practices, provide an entry point for demonic oppression. It is our personal responsibility to deny the enemy access by renouncing these things and ensuring all access points are closed to him.
In this teaching, Jeremy will outline the biblical nature of deliverance, and will provide us with a balanced approach to closing doors to enemy activity for ourselves, so that we might experience the fullness of God’s healing and restoration. ​
Discovering Truth Through
'Spiritual Discernment'
(LENGTH 2.5 hours / includes notes)
The issue of “discernment” is one of vital importance to the Christian life –given the range of competing voices spoken both inside and outside the Church. What has made this all the more urgent, is the ease with which we can access any number of sermons and teachings online. But how would we know whether these are ‘spiritually safe’ or not?
Sadly, a lot of what passes for biblical teaching and preaching in the Church today bears little resemblance to the same spoken in the early Church. The rise in celebrity Christianity and the demand for entertaining and soothing messages promising prosperity and success, has often blurred the truth of the Gospel and has failed to produce disciples whose focus is Christ.
A barrier to accurately discerning what is biblically truthful is our own human tendency to gravitate towards teaching and preaching we find most appealing. However, in the process, often we have neglected to evaluate what we have heard along scriptural lines. It might also be that we don’t know how to do this.
Jesus and His apostles have already warned us in advance of the tidal rise of false teachers and prophets during these last days who would contend for what is true. To this end, they have provided us with vital teaching for how to identify these individuals—so we might walk in truth and close our ears to every counterfeit voice.
In his teaching, Jeremy will provide us with insights and keys for how we might identify error within the Church, as well as helping us to grow in spiritual discernment and biblical wisdom during these perilous times.
Topics covered, include:
Defining “Discernment”
The Dangers of Subjectivity
Discerning Ministry Pride
Manipulation & Dogmatism
Discerning False Teachers & Prophets
Pick-And-Choose Theology
The Spiritual Gift of Discernment
‘Testing the Spirits’
Four Requirements for Growing in Spiritual Discernment
The Power of a Renewed Mind
(LENGTH 2.5 hours / includes notes)
The promise to all in Christ is one of freedom and abundant life. And yet, many believers fail to experience this. Instead of victory, their walk with God is one of ongoing frustration and defeat.
The reasons for this are twofold. The temptations of the flesh don’t cease in Christ, and conspire to bring our lives into compromise if not resisted. On top of this, there are ongoing spiritual attacks directed towards us from our adversary. Satan’s plan is simple. He seeks to infiltrate our minds with lies and contentions in order to oppress us – and if he can – bring about our demise. Our experience and the testimony of Scripture confirm how our mind is truly a battlefield.
Although we are a new creation in Christ, the New Testament asserts that it is our responsibility to harness our thoughts and surrender them to His Lordship. If we don’t, our sin nature will influence our thinking towards fleshly desires and a hardening to truth.
Since our thoughts shape who we are and what we are becoming, it’s vital that our minds are formed around kingdom thinking. This involves thinking according to God’s perspective – the process of ‘renewing our mind.’ Without this, we will never experience victory or live up to our potential.
How do we do this? What steps are involved? How have others achieved a transformed mind?
In this teaching, Jeremy will provide us with insights into how spiritual warfare impacts the mind and will present a tried-and-tested process for how we can reprogram our mind around the things of the kingdom.
Topics covered, include:
Spiritual Warfare and God’s Provision for it
Three Ways Satan Attacks Our Mind
The Implications of an Unrestrained Thought-Life
Principles and Processes for Renewing Our Mind
Living as Image-Bearers
(LENGTH 2.5 hours / includes notes)
The Bible declares over humankind that it has been “created in God’s image.” Exactly what this entails has led to endless debate and theological reflection for millennia. While we must allow for some interpretive diversity, the Bible has much to say about the human condition – enough for us to reach a clear and balanced understanding.
The Bible’s assertion that humans are created in the image of God is central to the doctrine of the imago Dei (Latin, “image of God”). This theological term is applied uniquely to humans, and is used to denote the symbolical relation between God and humanity.
Strangely, very little about what this means or entails is taught in the contemporary Church. However, understanding what it means is central to our faith and foundational for understanding how we are to live as God’s ‘image-bearers.’ This is for the reason that when our lives are built upon a correct understanding of the imago Dei, the way we view ourselves and others is transformed, and the way we live for God finds new purpose.
Jeremy’s teaching will address four important questions that emerge from a study of the imago Dei:
1. What does it mean that humans have been created in the image of God?
2. How was the image of God in humans marred or affected by the Fall?
3. How is the image of God in humans restored through salvation?
4. How is this truth significant to us today?
Since the answers to these have tremendous implications and applications for our Christian life, it is vital we have a clear understanding of this doctrine.
Topics covered, include:
The Biblical Foundation of ‘Imago Dei’
Scriptural Characteristics of Human Nature
What it Means to be Made in the Image of God
The Fall and the Image of God in Salvation History
A Threat to the Traditional View of Imago Dei
Implications and Applications of the Imago Dei for Christian Living and Witness
A 'Six-Part' Series
(LENGTH 2.5 hours each lesson / includes notes)
What makes a study of First Corinthians of such importance for believers today – is the way in which the Apostle Paul who wrote it – addresses the same problems that plague our modern churches – to target:
Congregational division
Misguided concepts of wisdom
Hero-worship of leaders
Sexual immorality
Legal battles
Issues concerning marriage, divorce, remarriage, and singleness
An absence of congregational love
The misuse of spiritual gifts
Doubtful doctrines and practices, and
Mistaken beliefs concerning the ‘Resurrection’
These along with a host of others are all issues Paul tackles in his first letter to the fledging church he started in the Greek city of Corinth.
Jeremy’s ‘six-part’ STUDIES IN FIRST CORINTHIANS will supply you with a wealth of biblical insight and wisdom to practically assist you in your walk with God. Each lesson is designed to grow you in your biblical and theological understanding of the faith – while equipping you with real answers for the same issues that Christians throughout two millennia of the Church have faced.